Who is running alongside me?= Happiness!!


Four years hence and five Breast fellows later, I am a happy soul. We are a super charged unit, sharing professionally, egging each other on, holding hands when the chips are down, laughing and enjoying our small successes, sharing our joys and sorrows alike, completing each other with each ones strengths, learning from each other and keeping pace with each other come rain or shine. We are making steady progress. The ones who came earlier are doing well in their current spaces and the ones with me keep adding value to this amazing journey!

Thank you Mallika Agarwal, Sandhya Gupta, Naresh Guthula, Hina Afsar and Shreya Sardana for believing in me and running alongside me. Proud of you!!

Cheers to our first alumni meet (missed you, Mallika)and may our clan grow bigger!

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