Five Minutes of Inspiration

When I finished surgical training and started my career in Oncology (which was purely by chance), I was not sure, if this is where I wanted to be. Oncology grew on me and I subspecialized in Breast Cancer… and surely, this did not dawn on me, suddenly. I was truly inspired… by my mentor who had oodles of energy, could work for 16 hours without a break, dreamt only big, smiled always, would rarely ever get upset and most importantly had the TIME, to inspire! I was fortunate as I could just share space with him and get inspired and motivated to do my thing.

That was about 23 years ago and as the years rolled by and as mountains beyond mountains kept getting captured, there is one thing that shrank, abysmally – TIME. There are times when the chips are down when you want to go into rewind mode when you want to dig out those words of inspiration and want that little nudge or push…. To start dreaming again and building again, and getting to yet another level of uncharted territory. All that you need is those 5 minutes of inspiration to ignite those dreams, that simmer below the surface without taking off…..5 MINUTES…..is it asking for too much?

How many of you have felt like that?

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