KNOCKERS IS A KNOCK OUT – A Blessing for Patients after Mastectomy!!!


For the larger part of the 20th century, breast removal surgery was the only surgical option for breast cancer treatment. In India, it continues to be the surgical option offered to about 70-80% of women suffering from breast cancer. It is tough, I am sure, as women from various sections of society, grapple with the loss and try to complete their feminity with newspaper rolled into the bra or rags or cotton or a piece of rolled cloth or nothing, recoiling in acute embarrassment, when having to put these unsightly contraptions away, prior to a physical examination. This Shame has to end!!

They don’t ask for fear of not getting a useful answer and we, as caregivers, in our rushed existence, don’t want to know if it matters to them. The truth is, it matters! To be physically complete, either with an external prostheses or reconstructive surgery, is important, to restore confidence. While there are expensive external prostheses made of high quality foam and silicon, there is an option which comes as a boon to many women who want a comfortable, easy maintenance option …. All for FREE!! KNOCKERS, it is !!

At a webinar on KNOCKERS, for the Max Breast Support group meeting today, there was much gratitude and a sense of awe for the amazing work being done by SAAISHA. Spearheaded by Jayashree ji and assisted by her team of dedicated, selfless volunteers, SAAISHA provides knitted or crocheted breast forms ( Knockers) made of Mercerised cotton for FREE. You can hand wash it, use it with your normal bras with pockets stitched onto it, add pouches of coins if you need to increase the weight and have a pair of them delivered home. The volunteers knit them for those who need them, with lots of love and affection. Great concept and suffused with the warmth of selfless givers.❤️❤️

With Knockers, no one should go Breastless after mastectomy. Spread the word and if you wish to volunteer for SAAISHA, please get trained under them and become a part of this wonderful movement.

For those interested, please contact Jayashree ji @ 7700-990212 or email at for your pair of Knockers today!!

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