Darr Ke Aage Jeet Hai!


She is only 23 years but her wisdom belies her age. When I interacted with her for the first time, my mask hid my that-is-not-at-all fair expression well…she was telling me all about her disease, her research project, her fiancé, her mother who had dealt with breast cancer and was fine and so on. She knew what triple negative breast cancer was all about, the impending chemo, the side effects, the prognosis… I was caught off guard at the end of the discussion. The roles were reversed…she was filling me in with all the information unlike the other way round.

She had her chemo and her resilience through it all was remarkable. Her mother and fiancé stood solidly by her throughout.

When it was time for surgery, even before I could start discussing the surgical options, she very matter-of-factly said that she wanted a double mastectomy without reconstruction as she had tested positive for a gene mutation.

She is done with surgery and has radiation to go through and while at it, she applied for post graduation to a university in UK and her application has been accepted. Whoa! I just love this super girl. And she is not done yet… her fiancé is having a lot of trouble convincing his parents about getting married to her. They will go ahead anyway. Superrrrr!!👍👍

Now that is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE… they are fully aware of what may happen but then life is about half chances. You win some, you lose some. Fear of what may happen, should not be allowed to win!!!

Best of luck, my Supergirl!!! Am truly proud of you!!

Darr ke aage hi jeet hai!!!

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